Working together
Your New Year’s Resolution
HAPPY NEW YEAR! If you are like me, you look forward to “a new year, a new you”. This year, let’s all work toward being an even more awesome parent. I have read “The Power of a Positive Mom” (I recommend this book) and have taken “Positive Discipline, along with a dozen practical courses…
Read MoreSurviving the Holidays with Children
I have always seen myself as a laid back person. However, my friends tell me I am crazy. They never understood why I felt the need to have my children make ornaments for our tree and why, when they were small, I brought snow inside for them to play. Honestly, these things did not make…
Read MoreMaking Your Child Self-Confident
The most valuable gift we can give to our children is self-confidence. Self-confidence allows children and adult to try new things, try harder, be a good friend, conquer fears and more. But how do we instill this confidence in our children? We love them. Loving our children does not mean enabling them. It does not…
Read MoreWant Better Sleep For Your Toddler?
The most important thing for better sleep for your toddler / preschooler is ROUTINE. Bed time should be a good experience for the whole family. It could be the highlight of the day. A snuggly time for love and kisses. So how do we make this happen? It is not as hard as you think, and you…
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