Ms. Anne’s Tip of the week- Working through toddler tantrums

Dealing with a toddler’s tantrum can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. As your little one navigates big emotions and developing communication skills, tantrums can become a frequent occurrence. Here’s a guide to help you through those stormy tantrum days.

Stay Calm Yourself: Your own calm demeanor can help soothe your toddler. Take deep breaths and maintain a steady voice.

Acknowledge Their Feelings: Let them know you understand they’re upset. Phrases like “I see you’re really angry” can validate their emotions.

Use Distraction: Redirect their attention to something else, like a favorite toy, a new activity, or a change of scenery.

Offer Comfort: Sometimes a hug or holding their hand can help. Physical comfort can be very reassuring.

Create a Calm Space: If possible, move them to a quieter area. A calm environment can help them de-escalate.

Give Them Choices: Offer simple choices to give them a sense of control, like “Do you want to play with this toy or that one?”

Use Breathing Techniques: For older toddlers, teach them simple breathing exercises, like blowing bubbles or pretending to blow out candles.

Remain Consistent: Stick to routines and rules. Consistency helps toddlers feel secure and understand boundaries.

Disengage If Needed: Sometimes ignoring the tantrum can be effective, especially if it’s not causing harm. Your reaction can sometimes reinforce the behavior.

Each child is different, so it might take some trial and error to find what works best for your toddler.